The ADW is a permanent watershed organization formed in 2007 under Public Act 517 of the Public Laws of 2004. The ADW consists of 22 public agencies in the Ecorse Creek, Combined Downriver and Lower Huron River Watersheds in southeast Michigan. The organization is governed by adopted bylaws that set forth its composition, duties and responsibilities. The member agencies assess themselves annually or bi-annually based on population and land areas within the watershed to establish an operating budget that they use to work toward water quality improvements.
Member agencies designate a person to represent them and vote at ADW meetings. Members can be a township, city, village, county, public school district, public college or university, or any other local or regional public agency that meets the following criteria:
• Has been issued a state permit for a water discharge into waterways within the three ADW watersheds
• Whose legal jurisdiction incorporates areas wholly or partially within the watershed boundaries
• Whose governing body by resolution, voluntarily adopts the ADW Bylaws
The ADW also includes Cooperating Partners, who are non-profit organizations, businesses, residents, etc., who provide their time, services, expertise and resources toward the common goal of protecting and restoring the watershed. Cooperating Partners are recognized as non-voting members.